So, only 4 days left until I board a plane to the Philippines! This morning I showed a little video and spoke at Eastside church to get spiritual/prayer/financial support during my travels. I am so thankful to all who donated and to all who are praying for me. I was very nervous but everyone said my nerves didn't show, I am very glad it went smoothly! After church I went shopping for things I need for my trip and realized how expensive traveling can get. I still need to get a few more things, and pack. I am trying to spend every extra spare moment with my family and friends in the craziness of everything. Yesterday my family got together and threw a going away party for me, I felt very loved and it hit me how much I am going to miss them. I have never been away from home for longer than 3 months...I guess thats part of growing up though. The other day my little sister said the cutest thing, she told my step dad Dave "Did you know Alyssa is going to go to the Philippines?" Dave said sarcastically "She is! What for?"...and she said very nonchalantly "To sell babies". hahaha! Anyways I want to end this post with one of my favorite quotes which is written by Dr. Seuss, and it is "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better its not."
Until next time,