Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Update from me :-) Finally!

To all my followers:  Sorry I haven’t written in a couple weeks, you are probably wondering what I have been up too lately, so here goes...
    We are temporally short staffed at the clinic this month because midwife Normi is not working here anymore, she is in the process of moving abroad to Taiwan to work as a caretaker, and midwife Eva went to America to write her exam to become officially certified as a that leaves me and my preceptor Gerlene for most of the week. But we do have Grace (a nurse) who comes and stays in the clinic with me Thursday, Friday, and leaves Saturday morning. Despite the fact that I ended up delivering a baby on my own, we have been able to keep the clinic running well with it just being us. And ironically, it has been busier than ever before with 7 babies born just since the beginning of this month, and not all of them have been complication free. I want to say that even I am amazed at how much I have learned and how far I have come throughout this journey in Asia as a midwife. The things I know and am confident doing now is so awesome!

I just got back from visiting the baby twins again, and I am sad to say that they are not looking much better; also the mother still seems sick...
    It was after dinner and almost dark when we walked into their home, the only light was from the fire cooking the kettle of rice. I grabbed my handydandy cellphone which has a built in flashlight on the top so that I could see the babies. It is hard for one to comprehend the living conditions of this family without actually seeing for oneself, but I am almost in tears while I type this. Despite the help/medicine/formula we have given this family, the unbathed barely clothed babies are well over a month old now, and still look like they were just born yesterday. They don’t have the infections in their lungs anymore, but James(the boy) has dark green goopy stuff in both his eyes and has a major rash on the inside of his thighs, back, stomach and bum. Jasmine even though born bigger than James is smaller now, this could be the outcome of her twin brother being fed all the milk because he is a boy, and boys are prized here, just like in any other 3rd world country. Someone had put a filthy teddy bear over Jasmine to act as a diaper of sorts, and James had a cloth wrapped around him that was already soaked with urine. All James and Jasmine do is sleep. They don’t smile, they don’t move their heads or eyes towards me or anyone else for that matter, they are not thriving. Dear God, will these twins even make it to the age of one? Here there is no help from the government. Social services would definitely be involved if this was a family in America, but I am not in America, I am in a country where dying from starvation is just as real as dying from old age. If the wealth here in the Philippines could somehow be equally divided, everyone would have enough; no more, no less, just enough. .. All I can say is that we will do our best to help this family in every way we can...when walking back to the clinic from the twins house and on the way passing and having to leave behind an abandoned crying kitten in the middle of a garbage heap, I realized I cant save the world, God is going to have to do that. 

For those who are unaware, I am due to go back to Olongapo at the end of this month with Mercy In Action again. During the time I have been here in Manila, Mercy In Action’s birth center has been opened, is up and running, and very busy with sometimes even 3 women coming in 1 night. I have made many friends here in Manila interning at Gerlene’s clinic for these past almost 3 months, and will miss them dearly, though I can’t say I will miss the cockroaches as much, hehe! but, I have gotten used to living here in Manila. The grocery boys at the local store all know my name, and are going to miss seeing me there every week ;-) and I am sure the tricy drivers will miss driving me around and getting lost because I, the foreign girl, has no clue where she is going. In Olongapo, I will be living in the birth center just like I am here, but with 2 other midwives (the same midwives I was working with before) whereas here I have been living alone. The plan is to stay in Olongapo for the rest of my time being in Asia.(4 more months to go!)